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To assess the opportunities, uncertainties, and technology concerns associated with Connected, Autonomous, and Electric Vehicles, a collaborative and technically diverse approach is necessary. Drive is experienced in full-life cycle assessment, development, deployment, operations, and maintenance of complex technological systems.

Drive supports the following CAEV services:

  • Policy, Planning, Deployment Assistance for CAV and ITS Deployment Applications

  • Design, Specification, Cost Estimation of CAV and ITS Systems, Infrastructure, Operations and Maintenance

  • Systems Engineering Planning and Support in Lifecycle Planning of Complex CAV and ITS systems

  • Infrastructure/Detail Design of Communications Backbone

  • National Surveys to Determine National Best Practices

  • Data Sharing Agreements Review and Analysis

  • Stakeholder Workshops and Collaboration Meetings

  • Systems Development and Testing

  • Public-Private-Partnership Technical Assistance and Specifications


The City of Pittsburgh and PennDOT District 11-0 have embarked on a journey to use technology to improve the lives of everyone throughout the Pittsburgh community. The plan will build infrastructure that will assist in reducing traffic and congestion, create reliable transit, and lower emissions. As a key team member, Drive has been involved with multiple phases that include the development of a Concept of Operations (ConOps) for the overall project, the expansion of the City’s fiber optic network, the design of various Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) deployment phases, and the design of the new Pittsburgh Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) Traffic Management Center (TMC).

The devices included in the project phases comprise traffic signals and corresponding video detection cameras, traffic signal control systems, video sharing components, ITS cameras, Roadway Weather Information System (RWIS), and Connected Vehicle capabilities. The communications network (with  a new 10GB backbone) will connect each corridor and device to the TMC to promote and improve multimodal transportation, pedestrian accessibility, emergency vehicle access, and mode prioritization. The fiber network will enable next generation ITS and Connected/Autonomous Vehicle applications on key city corridors which will leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI), video analytics, and edge computing applications while ensuring that cybersecurity considerations are implemented during the various design phases.

SmartPGH (Smart Pittsburgh)

City of Pittsburgh, PA

Aiming to improve the safety in the event an Automated Vehicle (AV) has an incident, Drive supported the development of  Pennsylvania’s first AVIRP.  The effort was comprised of several parts that included communication, coordination, training, and the development of a mobile app to assist first responders. Drive participated in stakeholder outreach with multi-disciplinary groups including emergency responders, transportation agencies, and vehicle manufacturers to create a comprehensive plan providing standardized response and operating procedures, incident reporting protocols, and safety training for responders who may interact with autonomous test vehicles. The plan will assist with facilitating a coordinated response effort that equips first responders with the knowledge and guidance to safely approach an AV incident. The mobile app allows first responders to plug in simple information and receive immediate guidance for protocols appropriate to the situation.

Automated Vehicle Incident Response Plan (AVIRP)

Statewide, PA

PennDOT, along with support from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), has embarked on strategically deploying Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) stations along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs), to assist with the rapidly expanding electric vehicle network. As part of this initiative, Drive has been responsible for submitting grant applications to further advance the Pennsylvania statewide EV program. Drive is also involved with the project management, industry/stakeholder outreach, procurement support, contract support, and administration/operations support. Drive is also assisting with feasibility studies and forecasting as well as site-specific design reviews. Up to 100 EV charging locations are anticipated to be deployed through the first phase of this program.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Program Management

Statewide, PA

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