Philadelphia Regional Port Authority (PhilaPort), Old Delaware Avenue Traffic Study
City of Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia Reginal Port Authority
Parking Studies
Circulation Studies
Safety Studies
Conceptual Plans
Signing and Pavement Markings
Stakeholder Outreach
Drive is responsible for the development of conceptual plans and a traffic study for circulation, truck parking, and safety concerns along Old Delaware Avenue and Christopher Columbus Boulevard in the vicinity of the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal. Multiple circulation options were developed and presented to PhilaPort and its stakeholders that create central ingress and egress points to reduce conflicts, ease congestion, and facilitate better staging of trucks accessing the Terminal.
Two options for improved on-street parking along Old Delaware Avenue south of Packer Avenue were developed and presented to improve traffic flow. Drive also provided signing and pavement marking and construction plans to reconfigure Old Delaware Ave. from two (2) lanes in each direction to three (3) lanes southbound and one(1) lane northbound. This configuration would allow for additional queuing storage for trucks entering the Packer Ave. Marine Terminal. Lastly, traffic calming measures through speed tables and signing were investigated to alleviate speeding along Old Delaware Avenue.